Dr Delphine Collin-Vézina, Ph.D., psychologist

Delphine Collin-Vézina Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist and holds a post-doctorate in sexology. She has been involved in research on child maltreatment and its associated sequelae for twenty years and collaborates in multiple practice environments in order to develop relevant projects for support groups. She is the director for the Centre for Research on Children and Families of McGill university, which comprises over 80 researchers and graduated students. She holds the Nicolas Steinmetz and Gilles Julien Research Chair in social pediatrics and the Canada Research Chair in Child Welfare Services. She is an Associate Professor for the School of Social Work and in the Department of Pediatrics at McGill University.   


  1. Review the present state of knowledge about trauma in children and youth.
  2. Establish the evaluation tools for traumatic events and the pertinent side effects.
  3. Analyse the advantages and disadvantages of various intervention approaches.
  4. Understand and put into practice the components of the ARC model.


Healthcare workers in the field of mental health often face the challenge of detecting children and teenagers who are victims of multiple traumas and of figuring out what kind of help they need. Contrary to the victims of accidental trauma limited to a specific time and space, victims of multiple traumas have been exposed to traumatic events (typically negligence, sexual or physical abuse) over a longer period of time and, most often, by a person of significance to the child. These cases often refer to post-traumatic stress disorder.

In this workshop, the trainer will review the individual, familial, social and cultural factors that have influence over the appearance of long term side effects following repeated trauma; they will present, in detail, the Attachment, Self-Regulation and Competency Model; (ARC, Kinniburgh, Blaustein, Spinazzola & van der Kolk, 2005). This model is inspired by attachment and resilience theories, and puts into practice psychoeducational and cognitive behavioural techniques, focusing on strengths and adaptation capabilities of the child and their family. This course is intended for healthcare workers who wish to identify and serve youth with a history of multiple abuse.

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PrixAjouter au panier


individual - 1 person

375,00 $CAN + taxes

Approximativement EUR 252,00 €

Group viewing (maximum 25 participants)

3600,00 $CAN + taxes

10 participants and + (individual connections) price on demand at porte-voix@videotron.ca

0,00 $CAN + taxes

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Instructions to view the training *

  • Go to webpsychology.ca
  • Click on the LOG IN tab: enter your EMAIL and your PASSWORD (the one you have chosen on your account)
  • Click the IDENTIFICATION tab
  • Click the MY TRAININGS red link top right
  • Click on the tab WATCH THIS TRAINING

You will see two viewing windows and five tabs:

    By clicking on the links on the table of content, you can listen again some sections of the training.
    A box is available to ask questions in writing to the trainer.
    Download Participant Manual and other documents.
    In order to receive your certificate, a test of ten multiple choice questions at the end of the training is mandatory. A rating of 70% is required. You can take the test again if necessary. After passing the test, click on the DOWNLOAD MY CERTIFICATE tab.
    Click on the link to respond to the appreciation card.

Group Viewing
To obtain the certificates, a designated person of the group must take attendance and send the names of the participants (25 maximum) as well as the number of hours watched by each at admin@webpsychology.ca


  • Copyrights: it is strictly forbidden to record, transmit or sell (privately or publicly) these training workshops. Violators will be prosecuted.
  • Viewing license: this license for this training is limited for a period of 120 days from the date of purchase. It is valid for one individual or one group only. It is strictly forbidden to give access to this training to other individuals.




  • Accredited Training of 12 hours (OPQ)
  • Other professions: 12-hour certified training course non-accredited but possibly eligible for reporting purposes.

Durée et niveau

  • Training of 12 hours
  • Level: beginner/intermediate

Politique d’annulation

Non-transferable and non-refundable

Mode de paiement

Carte de crédit, chèque, transfert bancaire ou virement Interac.
Pour être admissible, nous devons recevoir votre paiement avant le jour de la formation ou avant le visionnement de votre formation.


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